
Garagesale 3.0 1
Garagesale 3.0 1

  • The list of fairs and markets in The Discworld Almanack includes the Ankh-Morpork equivalent of the car boot sale, the cart tail sale.
  • This gradually morphs into 30+ families selling things at the sale, a costume discount, a murder and another yard sale on the rest of their property when the original sale is closed due to the murder. In order to clear out the clutter, naturally they hold a yard sale.
  • In Owl's Well That End's Well by Donna Andrews, the Protagonist and her fiance have bought as is a house previously inhabited by an elderly obsessive pack rat.
  • Greg's yard sale is eventually rained out and ends early. He is unable to sell anything, unconvincingly trying to use Very False Advertising.

    #Garagesale 3.0 1 full#

    Among his objects for sale are one of his old diaries, broken toys, old birthday cards, and socks full of random objects. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Wrecking Ball opens with Greg holding a yard sale after doing spring cleaning.In one case it was a garage sale, and in another kids were donating their parents' stuff to disaster relief for their pen pals in New Mexico. I think the book was called Dawn and the Big Sleepover. The Baby-Sitters Club book where the baby-sitters are running a fundraiser event with the local elementary school, and a few kids get the bright idea to run a garage sale! Cue a bunch of kids being yelled at for trying to sell daddy's books ("But you never read them!") or mommy's new shoes.A joke related to someone wanting to buy the garage itself.The person holding the sale trying to convince someone that a worthless piece of junk is a valuable antique.Spouses will argue about "that awful _" "but it's my lucky/favourite _"!.A valuable item is accidentally (and incorrectly) sold, and the seller has to get it back before the owner notices it's gone.Or they attempt to sell something they want to get rid of, like an Annoying Younger Sibling. A child is put in charge of sales and ends up selling items for much too little due to inexperience.They may end up trying to take items back from customers trying to buy them. One of the family members (usually an adult) decides that they just can't let some of their stuff go.A wealthy retiree with a Mysterious Past may have old swords, ancient amulets, and magic tomes, and the occasional Call to Adventure out for sale. In fantasy fiction, garage sales are much more interesting.

    garagesale 3.0 1

    If you're lucky, you may find the occasional working appliance or power tool. Parents sell their kids' outgrown clothing, toys, puzzles, and books. In the UK they're additionally known as car boot sales and jumble sales, and usually take place at some pre-arranged location instead of in people's driveways.įor real-life purposes, garage sales are events where owners get rid of a mix of useless junk and clothing, books, and old electronics they don't use anymore. Also known as a yard sale, estate sale, etc.

    Garagesale 3.0 1