also the part, "you say no it isnt working, and i say no it isnt perfect." he knows there relationship is messed up, but he wants her so he wants to fix it. "wake you up in the middle of the night to say i will never walk away again, im never gonna leave this bed." and the 4th verse "fall down, i need you to trust me." he wants her to love him the way she used to and not be afraid. and the chorus is him reasurring her that he loves her and he regrets his previous decisions. I think she is afraid of being hurt again and is having troubles trusting him and loving him again like she did before he cheated. I think the first two verses are him talking about how she feels. He chooses her because she's his source of happiness. He probably didn't want to change or do something for her and her demands started to get too tiring, but their time apart showed him that none of those things or those changes that he opposed were good enough compared to her. This seems like an issue in their relationship before. He would give anything to remain with her. He repeats, "take it, take it all, take all that i have" because he's showing that nothing means anything to him anymore if it meant losing her. He made the mistake of leaving her, but he must have came to the conclusion that she was what made him happy. He tells her "it isn't worth it" which ties with the idea that he took her for granted (therefore leading to his first departure), but he "stay instead" because he knows that she's the one he wants now. They experience a lot of problems because even she realizes that "it isn't working". She won't wake up in the morning to find that the other side of the bed is empty. When he refers to the "bed", it means that sex wasn't just what he wanted. He realized most likely that he took her for granted too and that he really loves her because she makes him happy. Her trust issues might stem from the fact that he either cheated or he wanted to walk away from her due to her being too demanding as indicated by his lack of strength.

He's reiterating to her that he'll "never walk away again". She also probably wants a lot of committment based on the fact that he's asking her to "trust ". She "hurt" him when she tries and gets everything her way regardless. She's not going to take no for an answer and she possibly throws tantrums when she can't get her way. When he mentions how he can't "control" her, he means that she's stubborn and wants everything her way. She "pushes ", but he doesn't "have the strenght to resist" her. He implies that she wants things this way and that way. This song speaks of the emotional rollercoaster that individuals in a relationship experience and represents the desire to grow, first starting from his declaration of commitment. I'd give it all away just to get you backĪnd fake it, fake it I'll take what I can get Take it, take it all take all that I have Wake you up in the middle of the night to say, You push me, I don't have the strength to